The Greatest Shrub You’ve Never Heard Of!

Well, okay, the greatest is a bold claim, but Distylium is a shrub well worth getting to know. It has glossy evergreen foliage untroubled by deer, disease or insects, isn’t bothered by heat, and grows well in both dry and wet (yes wet) conditions. It’s a full sun to part shade kind of plant and is available in several varieties ranging in mature size from 2’ to 8’ – so there’s one for just about any landscape situation. It makes an excellent problem free alternative to some evergreen standards with “issues” such as laurels, Indian Hawthorns, and boxwood. It responds well to pruning and can be maintained for a more formal look, or allowed to grow more informally. Here are some varieties worth considering:
Emerald Heights: dense rounded, spreading habit, lustrous dark green leaves, promoted as maturing at 5’ but experience tells us it’s more like 7’ and just as wide.

Blue Cascade: spreading habit with layered branches, new leaves emerge plum purple and mature blue-green. Around 4’ tall and 7’-8’ wide.

Coppertone: mounding habit with coppery-bronze new growth maturing to blue-green. 4’x5’

Vintage Jade: distinct layered habit with glossy dark green leaves. 3’-4’ tall and up to 8’ wide

Swing Low: low growing prostrate habit. 2’-3’ tall and 4’-6’ wide.

Nursery Notes
Kiefer Nursery is fully stocked with blooming Azaleas and Rhododendron. We have a great selection of Japanese Maples and Camellias.
Our screening evergreen shrubs and trees are abundant. Accent shrubs in colorful foliage are beautiful. We have a good supply of redbuds, deciduous Magnolias, and dogwoods.
We have larger Kwanzan and Yoshino cherries and plenty of interesting specimen conifers.
The grounds are coming “alive” with fresh foliage and blooms.
Don’t miss Spring at the nursery.
Nursery Perennials
We are well stocked with ferns and Hellebore, Pulmonaria, Astilbe, Salvia and Dianthus. We have a fresh crop of perennials on the way for early May and after.
35% off any 1 Japanese Maple in stock!
Current Sales