Late Winter/Early Spring Garden Chores
Let’s face it, all it takes this time of year are a few bright, sunny, and not too cold days to draw gardeners outdoors. We investigate our shrubs for winter damage and poke around to find bulbs and perennials that are sprouting. While it’s too early to really dig in (so to speak), we can take advantage of a sunny afternoon and get a few early season chores done.

March Feature – Hellebore, The Lenten Rose
Lenten Roses (so named because they often are blooming during the 40 day preparatory season before Easter called Lent) are gardener’s favorites for many reasons and need only a few sunny, warmish days in late winter to coax them into bloom. Just when we are tiring of the gloomy weather and losing interest in our “winter interest” plants, up pop these little beauties in shades of white and cream to pinks, purples and into burgundy red.
There are single, double and speckled varieties, and lately, the cream has been pushed towards a yellow pigment. You may float some blooms in a bowl to enjoy them inside. They are easy to grow in shade and evergreen, and are also deer resistant, long-lived, drought tolerant, and among the first flowers of spring! What’s not to love? We have a great selection and plenty in stock. So, if you haven’t tried them yet now’s the time! And if you have tried them, perhaps it’s time to add to your collection…